The following are ignored, unacknowledged, or unknown by Canada’s carbon-taxers:

The continuing series of fifty or so ice ages of increasing severity and duration since the start of the Quaternary Period 2.6 million years ago.

Hard, dense, blue ice sheets, not cute fluffy snow, up to 3 km. thick over most of Canada just 20,000 years ago.

The Roman Warm Period, 250BC-400AD, which abetted the expansion of the Roman Empire.

The Late Antiquity Little Ice Age, 6th-7th centuries AD, which contributed to the end of the Roman Empire.

The Medieval Warm Period, 950-1250AD, during which Greenland was settled.

The Little Ice Age, ca. 1300-1870AD, which produced widespread crop failures and the end of Greenland settlements.

The natural rebound in global temperature after the Little Ice Age ended ca. 1870AD.

Expectations that Earth’s climate should be stable, or that humanity can stabilize it by changing natural drivers such as variations in Earth’s orbital eccentricity and precession, Earth’s axial tilt and precession, and periodic variations in the Sun’s luminosity, or by imposing a carbon tax, are historically and scientifically uninformed and, frankly, laughable.

Mike Priaro


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