Please allow me to counter widespread muddled thinking.

Use of the phrase “man-made global warming” has declined lately, even in scientific literature — to be replaced by “climate change” or even “climate crisis”.

First, do not conflate “man-made global warming” with “climate change “ — two totally different phenomena with distinct drivers and effects.

Second, there is nothing humanity can do to stabilize or change the course of on-going cyclic natural climate change. Greenland and Antarctic ice cores and Pacific Ocean sediment cores reveal 50 or so ice ages of increasing intensity and duration, interspersed with brief warm intervals like the one we are in now, going back to the start of the Quaternary Period 2.6 million years ago.

Third, there is no doubt about 2.6 million years of on-going cyclic natural climate change, but there is only unconvincing evidence that 150 years of warming since the end of the Little Ice Age is man-made.

Mike Priaro


December 25, 2023

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